Just had a couple questions about the roleplay community on LOTRO.

First, what is the best english speaking server for Roleplaying? Perferably, with players on the west coast/ mountain time zone of the US.

How is the RP community as a whole treated in LOTRO? I know in some mmos its hard on roleplayers because people tend to flame or cause grief for folks who roleplay.

Lastly, any details about how in-game features help contribute to roleplaying in LOTRO. I know there is houseing which is a big plus for me. Or if their are any addons such as WoW's MRP and GHI Mods which were RP specific addons.

I am new I have only had time to browse the character creation screen after the legnthy download and install of the game. I will be checking the game out to more extent this evening when I'm off work. Also, I am currently subed as a F2P member. Depending on how much I enjoy the game and if RP is a open and welcomed in the community and/or there is a big and welcomeing RP community I may or may not sub to premium.

Thanks for any and all feedback anyone can provide.