Edit: (Share some of your past games favorite gear cosmetics. I always love checking out gear cosmetics!)
I kinda wish the gear in the game was more phenomenal looking in LOTRO, it needs more umph! hehe. I'm one of those people that just love cosmetics, by a huge factor. I'm totally in to it : ) Call me crazy, but I just am.
A game I used to play a while back (although they're not LOTRO Lore by any means) but I kinda wish we had some gear that was more lore-like from the movies into LOTRO.
Anyway, here's some CUTE photos!
(I know some are not into these types of designs, but I am!) : )
Anyway, these are just adorable:
Share some of your past games favorite gear cosmetics. I always love checking out gear! : D
Source: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?388338-Cosmetic-Gear-Wish-List&goto=newpost