
Ocarina of Time: N64 vs 3DS, round two! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D)

Earlier this year I played through the opening moments of Ocarina of Time in order to compare screens of the N64 original against the upcoming 3DS remake. The results? The new version (out June 19) was revealed as more than a straight port, offering crisp new textures and, in many cases, clearly superior visuals. Nintendo recently released a new batch of 3DS screens, so I hopped back into the N64 version to snap up a few more comparison shots.

Above: Link's first glimpse of Ganon is hazy in both versions, though the 3DS screen (right) has an almost green tint. Looking past that, however, you'll notice a much more detailed model than the N64 game


Above: Lord Jabu Jabu looks surprisingly similar, though you can still see the extra details on Link's model. Also note the flair added to the stone pillar on the left - what lovely plants!


Above: The moment when you learn Epona's Song on the Ocarina. Other than some added sharpness and vibrance, these look kinda same-y


Above: Deep in the Sacred Meadow you learn Saria's Song. The notable change here is how much nicer the stump looks, as well as the pillar and tree in the background


Above: The camera is pulled away from Ganondorf and his steed, but even at this distance I can spot extra details on the horse armor. Nothing major, but welcome


Above: Another great shot of the new and improved Link. Clearly, he's recieving the most thorough makeover, while other aspects get smaller updates


Above: A good shot comparing Saria in both versions. Like Link and Ganon, she's benefited from an increased poly count

It's a good year for Zelda fans. First we're getting this long-overdue remake of one of the most beloved games in history, and then this fall we'll have a whole new adventure with Skyward Sword. Is it too much to hope Nintendo reveals an HD Zelda for its new console at E3? We wouldn't want it this year, maybe not even next, but simply knowing it's coming can keep us warm during the cold launch-window months that follow every Nintendo platform...

April 29, 2011


Ocarina of Time: 3DS/N64 screenshot comparison
Nintendo's upcoming re-release adds more than another dimension



The ever-changing sizes of Ganon and Link
Watch Nintendo's most intense rivalry shift and change with the ages



Game music of the day: Ocarina of Time
Gerudo Valley by Koji Kondo

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/ocarina-of-time-n64-vs-3ds-round-two/a-2011042915124478050

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