
New Duke Nukem Forever history trailer recounts Duke's 3D transition (Duke Nukem Forever)

The first Duke Nukem Forever "History of a Legend" trailer filled us in on the series' inception and early 2D entries, and now Gearbox has released the second episode, which turns the clock forward to the big polygonal transition of Duke Nukem 3D. Check it out, because after all these years, a refresher course on what makes Duke such an important guy is well-needed, especially for our younger readers. Only not too young. Rated 'M' and all that...

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/duke-nukem-forever/news/new-duke-nukem-forever-history-trailer-recounts-dukes-3d-transition/a-201105191750308044/g-20100903112053378011

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