Okay, I have read a few threads, and looked over the site at TP finder (mmorsel) and have a few questions.

From what I've read, using all servers, and both character slots, (which I will probably just be using one server and two, delete, rinse and repeat, so I can pool all my loot/gold :P ) you can achieve a LOT of TP. So far I've also read that I should do all the deeds in Shire, Ered Luin, and Bree, and then restart.

My questions are, is there a BEST class or BEST race for this speedy grind/farming process?
Is there a best order of those three areas, (and did I cover the right ones, or do those not include starting areas)
I am OCD about time management, and I am trying to put some form of plan or idea or schedule in place, where to go, after that where to go, what to farm, what class and race, etc.

Thanks much! Great game and community.