Indie Game: The Movie – the indie film documentary about the making of several high-profile indie game hits, scored by indie-music composer Jim Guthrie – is so close to coming into being. Take a look at this trailer and tell us this isn't a slice of game-themed media that deserves to be welcomed to the world. Then, find out what you can do to help this project get the love it deserves.
Indie Game: The Movie is a story about people. It follows the game creators who – driven by passion, know-how and the burning desire to do interesting things with an economy of dollars and pixels – made Fez, Super Meat Boy and Braid. It's easy to see games as a wonderful medium that devours creativity and spits out product: when groundbreaking achievements from Atari's Adventure to Rockstar's L.A. Noire are accused of keeping developers' names off the final product, one might forget that games happen because people want them to. That's where IG:TM filmmakers Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky believe they're doing something new: a movie that focuses on the passion and individual quirks of the people that made these games happen.
Indie Game: The Movie Official Trailer from IndieGame: The Movie on Vimeo.
If you like the music for the trailer, you can check out more of Sword and Sorcery composer Jim Guthrie's work at Bandcamp. Meanwhile, if you'd like to help Pajot and Swirsky over the final hurdle, they've launched a Kickstarter-based funding initiative to raise funding for the final phase of post-production. This will cover color-grading, sound tweaking and mastering the movie so the full-length feature all feels as beautiful as some of the images in this trailer. Donors are eligible for copies of the movie, merch, and the knowledge that you helped contribute to a project that can't help but advance the gaming culture. Interested?
Jun 22, 2011
Braid mastermind minces no words
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