
Street Fighter x Tekken heading to the PC (Street Fighter x Tekken)

We recently reported that Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition will make its way to the PC. It’s not the only Street Fighter title getting a PC release, though. Street Fighter X Tekken is also coming to the PC in 2012. The announcement comes as a bit of a surprise, as Capcom has not ported its two most recent fighting titles to the PC- Super Street Fighter IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

Above: A cinematic trailer for Street Fighter x Tekken. Read our hands-on preview to find out how the crossover is shaping up

Above: A gameplay trailer for Street Fighter x Tekken

PC fighting game fans were not pleased when Capcom decided not to port Super Street Fighter IV to the platform. The original PC version of the game developed a reputation as the best-looking version of the fighter shortly after its release in 2008. Despite PC versions of other recent high-profile Capcom games like Lost Planet 2 and Dead Rising 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 didn’t receive a PC port either.

A PC version of a Capcom fighting title is especially big news to PC fans in Japan. PC ports of Capcom games have a reputation in the country for being better looking and smoother than their console counterparts, and most PC component retailers use Capcom games to demonstrate the power of their wares. Even today, when walking by a store that sells PC hardware, it’s not uncommon to see a PC running a demo of Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter IV.

Apr 13, 2011

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/street-fighter-x-tekken/news/street-fighter-x-tekken-heading-to-the-pc/a-20110413113018696005/g-20110413112228502017

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