I have suggested this before and people seemed to like it, so I will suggest it again. Hopefully Turbine will hear. Right now raid instances are trash mobs that take up time then a boss, 6 times for the whole instance. I purpose that for the next update, Turbine do 6 different raid instances like the Watcher. No trash mobs, just get straight to the fight.

Some bosses can be harder and some can be easier. Each boss will give a certain piece. Like boss A will give boots, Boss B will with give helmet, and so on.

The reason I am suggesting this is I thought the Watcher was the most fun raid instance ever in LOTRO. Not because it was easy(It took tons and tons of wipes before we killed him), but because he got straight to the fight and learned how to do it. None of these trash mobs that took up time, so we have less time to learn how to do the boss. If Turbine is worried about people getting pieces to fast, Turbine should just make the instances harder. I would love a harder boss fight than a bunch of trash mobs to take up X amount of time before each boss.

Any thoughts?