
HP offers an enterprise dashboard for CIOs

Hewlett-Packard is announcing software that information technology managers can use to get a dashboard-like view of their enterprise operations.

The new software combines 50 different key performance indicators (KPIs) that show chief information officers the state of their enterprise in terms of how computing power is being used. The effort is aimed at making it much easier for chief executives and chief information officers to get a real-time snapshot of the enterprise and make decisions more easily.

Marge Breya, general manager of HP Software, said that HP makes software that measures about 150 different KPIs that can be used to gauge the health of an enterprise. This first batch of 50 will bundle together four different software packages into a single suite. That software will be used to “operationalize, measure, and improve IT performance.”

“The problem is that a lot of companies spend 70 percent of their time on operations and just 30 percent on innovation,” Breya said. “We can turn that around with this kind of real-time information.”

The effort has been underway for about a year. But the program accelerated under Leo Apotheker, the new chief executive of HP who previously ran software giant SAP. Breya herself came over from SAP about six months ago.

Under Apotheker’s strategic plan announced a couple of months ago, HP is putting more emphasis on software and creating all of the building blocks necessary to run connected enterprises. HP’s software business is just 3 percent of sales. But it’s a $3.5 billion business, enough to rank HP as the sixth largest software company.

The goal of the HP IT Performance Suite is to give a comprehensive view of the enterprise, enabling what HP calls an “instant-on enterprise” that embeds technology in everything it does to serve customers, employees, partners and others with everything they need.

The suite includes the new HP IT Executive Scorecard, aimed at managing and improving the development of applications, infrastructure, operations management, security, information management and financial planning and administration.

The software lets executives do financial planning, analysis, project and portfolio management, and asset management. It can measure data in real time such as how much availability or reliability a data center has. Or it can measure how much energy is being consumed or how much payback a company is getting on capital expenses. Rivals include IBM.

Previous Story: Angry Birds to invade TVs next with Roku

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Venturebeat/~3/5lDcFxStdAc/

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Blizzard Entertainment photo tour (World of Warcraft)

Located in Irvine, California, Blizzard Entertainment's headquarters is as impressive as the games the studio has developed. This is where the folks responsible for creating and running genre defining titles, like World of Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft get their work done – and we're very excited to offer you a look at where the magic happens.

The reason for our visit was to see the singleplayer campaign for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. For more details on the follow up to Wings of Liberty, watch the first trailer, browse through 40 new screenshots, and read our hands-on preview. During our visit, nothing was discussed about Diablo III or anything related to World of Warcraft. But as you can see from the photographs, whoever was in charge of  decorating Blizzard's campus clearly had WoW, Diablo, and StarCraft on their mind.

Above: The courtyard outside the lobby at Blizzard HQ is guarded by none other than Warchief Thrall

Above: A closer look at Thrall

Above: The plaque at the base of the Thrall statue

Above: Across from the Thrall statue, VIP parking right next to the main lobby is reserved for '/LOOT' winners

Above: The front lobby

Above: To the right of the reception desk stands a detailed statue of Nova. Behind her, you can see a monitor playing pro-level StarCraft II matches. If you follow the competitive scene, seeing that Fruit Dealer won should come as no surprise

Above: Look at her hair!

Above: This burly dwarf watches over the area to the left of the reception desk. If you think he looks detailed from this angle, look closer...

Above: Nose hairs. Now that's what we call attention to detail!

Above: The World of Warcraft Official Magazine enjoys prime placement in the lobby

Above: Throughout the main building, mounted monitors list the status of World of Warcraft realms around the world

Above: Even the phones are skinned with Blizzard’s greatest hits. Here, we see Cisco’s Hydralisk model. In other rooms, phone menus featuring Tyrael from Diablo and Arthas from Wrath of the Lich King were also sighted

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/blizzard-entertainment-photo-tour/a-20110531145045249093

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Call of Duty Elite officially announced: Socially-networks your CoD, is a lot like Bungie.net but with paid-for content (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)

So this is what Beachhead were up to. Long-touted but never fully understood, it turns out that the project beavered away at by CoD's latest studio is Call of Duty Elite, a social networking/game organising/video making/clan building multiplayer community game portal, much like Halo's excellent Bungie.net services.

Frankly, it all sounds quite good, provided you're heavily into your online CoD. The one snag? You'll have to fork out for some of it.

Launching officially later this year with Modern Warfare 3, Elite will first be beta-tested (in public) with Black Ops. It'll launch integrated into MW3, but will be compatible with all CoD games from Black Ops onwards, and will be accessable in-game, on a console, through a web-browser, and via mobile. What's it got stuffed inside it? Quite a bit, by the looks of it.

Above: You've spelt 'pwned' wrong. Noob

Heat-maps, stat-tracking, social networking, group management, clan management, a theatre mode, YouTube and Facebook connectivity... It sound like basically everything a modern game community network should have, and has obviously taken a fair amount of influence from Bungie's work with Halo over the years. It sounds like there won't be any obligation to use it if you just want to silently off people with minimum social interaction, a bit like a serial killer (or anyone who's ever been stuck in a lobby with a singing kid), but it's all there if you want it, and most of it will be free.

Most? Yeah. As in "not all of it". Unlike Bungie.net, there will be charges for some of the functions rolled-out with this one. Activision is unsurprisingly keeping quiet on which elements will come as part of Elite's premium subscription package at the moment, but at a guess I'd say that the theatre mode and video uploading would be prime candidates.

So, any more interested in Modern Warfare 3 now that you know how super charged (Acti's words, not mine) the multiplayer is going to be? Or are you still just waiting for Battlefield 3?

(In before "This is all free elsewhere. Kotick, Satan, kill, kill, kill")

May 31, 2011

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3/news/call-of-duty-elite-officially-announced-socially-networks-your-cod-is-a-lot-like-bungienet-but-with-paid-for-content/a-20110531142132726075/g-20110513154613130025

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What adults want from games (Xbox 360)

We’re all adults here, right? What? We’re not? Well the gamerlings amongst us will one day grow up to be adult gamers, and one day you snot-nosed brats will understand the pain of us geezers, so this will serve as a manifesto for all gamers everywhere, since we all eventually join the creak-kneed club, and dammit if we aren’t cranky as hell about the immaturity still festering in our favorite artistic/entertainment medium. And developers have no excuse, because they’re all adults. Well, in theory at least. So here are the things we adults want to see in our games, because we’re actually not the boob-ogling, guffawing at exploding heads man/woman-babies the industry seems to think we are.

That’s why we want to see…

An online experience free of children

Look, we have nothing against kids and teenagers in principle. We were teenagers about seventy years ago so we remember having an inflated sense of superiority (also, dinosaur saddles) so the young’uns are just dandy as members of society. However, the internet has created a wholly unprecedented and utterly unnatural social soup, and this shit frankly has to stop. Outside of the internet and birthday parties of our friends’ offspring, adults will never choose to hang out with children. We don’t go to the park and play ultimate Frisbee with random kids we don’t know. We don’t sit down to have intellectual discussions about science fiction novels with eight-year-olds.

Above: Online gaming sometimes feels like this

So why the hell do we have to do these things in online games and internet forums? We want servers in online games where only ages 18+ are allowed. We want the same for discussion boards. Yes, we realize this shit isn’t easy to implement, but we don’t care. It’s absurd that every other aspect of society has a way of maintaining the natural order of “kids should be seen and not heard” (and preferably not seen either) but in gaming we can have a screaming larval human butt its way into a sober, polite game of adult competition. Yes, we know that in the days of arcades there would be comingling of adults and children, but being in-person made a huge difference: you knew right away you were dealing with a child, and the threat of punching made children a lot less arrogant.

Above: Child discipline sure has declined in quality since the old days 

The same holds true for gaming discussions. We could save a shedload of our precious time if we knew we were having conversations with adults. In current forums, the moment we find out someone is under eighteen we ignore them because their opinions are stupid – sorry teenagers, but you have to know that everyone in their teens suffers from a condition where they think they know everything and think they’re smarter than they really are. We know this because we were once those people. Once you get a twinkle of maturity and a glimmer of world perspective suddenly you think you’re fricken’ Plato, and we hate to break it to you, but you don’t know shit. We’re not saying a teenager can’t contribute to an intellectual discussion, but the few of you with your anuses not wrapped around your necks would be minor collateral damage in our proposed 18+ only forums. Besides, then you could be the big fish amongst your peers and teach them a thing or two about critical thinking.

Again, we know it would not be easy to enforce 18+ servers and forums, but surely it can be done, because it damn well needs to be done.

Non-adolescent portrayals of sex and nudity

Nudity and sex are awesome. Getting these things in our entertainment makes up for the sad fact that we can’t play with toys anymore. Movies and books have provided a lot of immature portrayals of titillation, but these media have also figured out how to depict adults’ idea of fun in tasteful ways, and complex ways, and story-relevant ways. We’re not talking about prudish approaches to sex – hell, we don’t even require them to be tasteful, although we like that approach also. We’re talking about a perspective on sex that’s deeper than just “hurr hurr lookit the naked gurls.” Even supposing some games have managed to get past thinking that sexy = premature ejaculation, they still haven’t gotten past awkwardly shoehorning sex into stories where it feels totally unnatural and the kind of thing that would embarrass us if anyone walked in when it was happening.

Let’s take a look at two examples of the more “mature” portrayals of sex we have so far: Heavy Rain and Mass Effect. Potential spoilers ahead (although we’ll leave out as much plot detail as possible). In Heavy Rain, the actual sex scene, despite being kind of ridiculous looking, does a decent job of at least making the sex seem like something between two tender adults and not the typical porno-style bouncing and screaming. We have to give them credit for that. Yet the timing of the sex is beyond ridiculous: two characters decide to hump when there is a freaking clock ticking on the life of one of their children. Not only is this unbelievable and doesn’t fit with these characters’ established personalities, but it’s also a hoary storytelling cliché: two people in extreme circumstances are drawn together magnetically, releasing their pent up passions the only way they know how. To an adult whose idea of sex doesn’t just come from movies, this is not a mature portrayal.

Above: The only word that comes into our mind is "Ew"

Mass Effect falls into a similar trap. Again we have people under extreme circumstances, under a ticking clock, deciding “Hey, might as well bang even though the entire universe is waiting for us to save its ass.” Then the characters have sex in the engine room (or whatever that room is called). We can see two major problems with this: anyone could just walk in and catch them (or are they hoping for that?), and that floor is not going to be comfortable – yeah sex on a hard kitchen table might be sexy but we’re talking about steel grating, which would surely remove the skin from your ass/knees. Then there’s the other silly thing: they have sex with their clothes on. This annoys us because despite the reality that people do sometimes have sex with clothes on, it’s highly unlikely they would do that the first time they had sex. Come on – they’re going to want to see the goods. And you know what? So do we. Show us some freakin’ nudity during the sex, and not just of the women.

Does our asking to see nudity make us sound immature? Sorry, but there’s a reason why the word “adult” when added to “entertainment” translates to “porn.” We’re not saying we need hardcore pornography in our games, but we also don’t like that the industry keeps things wimpy and safe because we’re sharing this medium with children, and we’re sharing it in a way that other media don’t have to. A goddamn PG-13 movie can show nudity but if a game does the same, it won’t get anything less than an M rating and even then it has to be displayed in a carefully constructed context so as not to freak anyone out. A sign of a medium growing up is when it stops worrying about freaking people out.

Philosophical/political/satirical stories (that aren't amateurishly pretentious)

We love that games have finally started to tackle this stuff. We’re sure you can find some obscure game from thirty years ago that was super clever satire, but attempts at intellectual themes in games didn’t really hit the mainstream until recently. We’d say that BioShock did a decent job at tackling multiple heady ideas, even if a lot of it wasn’t ultra-subtle. Yet the way the game subverted entrenched tropes of videogame empowerment fantasies revolving around choice and control was pretty damn clever. It unfortunately lost its way toward the end and, possibly afraid of delivering a “disappointing” climax, wussed out and provided a bog-standard videogamey boss battle, when instead it could have done something really mind-blowing (like find a way to toy with the player’s sense of agency even more).

Braid built itself on a clever premise: construct gameplay around the idea of rewinding time and then make a story about how [spoilerish] we can never go back and undo our worst mistakes. If it had left things at that simple level it probably would have been hailed as a brilliant allegory game. Instead, it piled on staggeringly pretentious text in an attempt to be “complex” or “artsy.” It’s a common mistake for artists – have a big idea, but then instead of allowing the idea to shine on its own, try to dress it up because you’re worried no one will notice your amazing idea if you keep it simple.

We love both of these games because not only are they great purely as games, but they are stepping stones to something bigger. Developers can study these games and learn what to do and what not to do when attempting serious discourse in a game. Portal 2 is a fantastic example of how to add a layer of depth and symbolism to a game without beating it over the player’s head – if a game can spawn this type of analysis then we’re headed in the right direction. But developers: please study the work of others so we can move forward and not tread water in the mire of obviousness and pretentiousness.

More games that don’t assume violence = gameplay

We don’t have any problem with violence in entertainment. We’re adults, not pussies. What we do have a problem with is how developers, either through a lack of creativity or a fear of risking their jobs on breaking out of the mold, almost always rely on the act of killing things to make up the main component of gameplay. Games are inherently about overcoming obstacles, and enemies with independent AI serve as interesting obstacles. It’s also just fun to make heads explode. We understand (and don’t bemoan) the reality that combat satisfies the caveman impulses in many gamers to hunt and conquer our enemies. Aside from the issue of this being an extremely male-centric mentality to what constitutes fun (although we’re not saying women can’t also enjoy a good headshot), the saturation of the industry of this ruling type of gameplay means that killing shit gets monotonous after a while.

We love Tomb Raider and Uncharted. Both series offer a mix of combat, exploration and puzzles. Tomb Raider’s combat has always been terrible, but it’s clearly in the games because the developers are afraid exploring a bunch of empty tombs would get boring. Notice that we said we love the games, but that the combat is terrible. The obvious conclusion is that we love exploring things and solving puzzles, and begrudgingly accept the combat. We also love encountering a T-rex because that shit is scary, but who says we have to kill it? Why can’t we just run from it, or maybe solve a puzzle that traps it? Tomb Raider does exploration and puzzle solving better than almost any game out there, so why not just toss out the combat altogether so we can get more exploration and puzzles, and with the resources saved on not programming and designing enemies and weapons, the exploration and puzzles could be even better.

Above: It's okay if this is the most fun part of your game

Uncharted does combat much more deftly than Tomb Raider, but it has too damn much of it. Both Uncharted games throw so many enemies at you that it becomes a boring slog at times (and also makes Nathan Drake seem like a genocidal maniac). Again, Uncharted is great, but after playing years of Tomb Raider our first impression of Uncharted was “Tomb Raider Light” – this was because everything other than the combat (climbing, puzzles) felt dumbed down. We actually think Uncharted 2 is better than any Tomb Raider game, but it still features slightly weaker non-combat elements. We argue that if the combat wasn’t such a focus (or was thrown out), Uncharted’s climbing and puzzling could potentially surpass anything these types of games have achieved. We know that suggesting Uncharted have no combat is absurd to many fans, so take this as merely an example of how combat can affect other game elements and not a demand to have a pacifist Nathan Drake.

Games are special to adults because they touch on activities we loved as children: climbing things, jumping over things, role-playing, exploring, puzzle-solving, and yes, pretending to fight things. We spent hours climbing trees without needing to also pretend we were shooting bad guys. There’s no reason we would be bored doing the same thing in games. Shadow of the Colossus was ultimately about killing things, but 98% of the game was riding a horse and climbing on things. ICO was at its least fun when those goddamn shadow monsters showed up. We know there are some games out there that don’t center on violence, but we want more of them. There are only so many ways you can punch, shoot, or eviscerate something.

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/what-adults-want-from-games/a-201105271192432054

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Sony launches mysterious teaser site for unnamed title (Journey)

Sony Japan has launched a mysterious teaser site for an unnamed title. The page features a looping animation of a dark figure wandering the desert. The word “desert,” appears in the site’s URL and title with a countdown suggesting that more details will be revealed five days from now on Wednesday, June 1.

The desert imagery has led some to speculate that the site’s upcoming reveal could be related to Uncharted 3. The desert scenery looks very similar to concept art and screenshots previously released. But we hope that the teaser site will have to do with Journey, the next title expected from Thatgamecompany, the development studio behind Flow and Flower.

Above: An early screenshot for Journey, which is to be published by Sony Computer Entertainment

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/journey/news/sony-launches-mysterious-teaser-site-for-unnamed-title/a-20110527163813879095/g-20100618144114292078

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First StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm cinematic teaser and 40 new screens (StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm)

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/starcraft-ii-heart-of-the-swarm/news/first-starcraft-ii-heart-of-the-swarm-cinematic-teaser-and-40-new-screens/a-2011053103313755070/g-2011053022551132010

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NintendoTV gets the inside scoop on Dead or Alive: Dimensions (Dead or Alive Dimensions)

Our friends at Official Nintendo Magazine UK have a new episode of Nintendo TV ready for you. Let them tell you about this week's goodness:

In this week’s episode we sit down with the head of Team Ninja, Yosuke Hayashi to ask him all about Dead or Alive: Dimensions. We found out all the inside knowledge on the game and tried to stop ourselves asking when we’re going to see Beach Volleyball in 3D. There’s still no set date but hopefully if we all keep writing letters and drawing pictures it will be come a reality.

We’ve also got some brand new exclusive footage from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D remake.

Check out the trailer here:

NintendoTV is available exclusively on your Wii’s Nintendo Channel. If you don’t already have the Nintendo Channel, download it for FREE from the Wii Shop and make sure you never miss another episode.

27 May, 2011

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/3ds/dead-or-alive-dimensions/news/nintendotv-gets-the-inside-scoop-on-dead-or-alive-dimensions/a-20110527151734540082/g-2010061611855333027

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Kaos releases Homefront Xbox 360 update, details plans for DLC and free gear (Homefront)

Because rebelling against a Korean occupation can get a little ho-hum after a stretch, Kaos has released an Xbox 360 update for Homefront, as well as info on upcoming DLC and a handful of freebies; all of which are part of what the studio calls the “first small taste of anticipated robust updates” coming for its alternate reality FPS.

Available for download now, the Xbox 360 update addresses persistent glitching and freezing issues, online connectivity shortcomings, multiplayer hiccups, beacon errors and a host of other minor bugs and problems that have been present since the game's launch in March. The update also includes a free ability pack containing the following perks:

  • Ice Cold: Invisible on thermal views and airstrike sensors
  • Situational Awareness: Enemy gamertag appears when shot
  • -EMP Tactician: Deal more damage vs EMP’d vehicles
  • Short Fuse: Reduced cook time on frag grenades
  • Bomb Suit: Take less damage from explosives

In addition to the update, Kaos announced Homefront's first DLC will be called the Fire Sale Map Pack, and include two new multiplayer environments. Xbox 360 owners will be the first to gain access to the extra content on June 7th, which is the same day Kaos says it will also be giving away free premium Homefront themes and 870 Express Shotguns. The virtual kind, we hope.

Full details of the patch and anticipated freebies have been posted at Kaos's website.

May 27, 2011

Homefront review
Only you can save America – the question is, will you want to?

THQ talks Homefront DLC, uDraw ports and profitable 2012 line-up 
Tidbits from THQ's quarterly call with investors

Homefront update fixes freezing issues 
Developer reassures more updates, DLC on the way

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/homefront/news/kaos-releases-homefront-xbox-360-update-details-plans-for-dlc-and-free-gear/a-20110527121841515053/g-2009060417142975083

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Airbnb headed for a $1 billion valuation

AirbnbSocial bed and breakfast startup Airbnb is in the process of closing a $100 million round of funding led by venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz that would raise the company?s valuation to more than $1 billion, according to TechCrunch.

This is a significant investment for Airbnb, which has previously raised $7.8 million, and comes days after actor-turned-investor Ashton Kutcher invested a significant amount of money in the company.

Kutcher, who was an early investor in Foursquare and the deal to purchase Skype back from previous owner Ebay, is increasingly being looked at in the investment world as someone to watch when it comes to predicting the next hot startup company.

Airbnb offers a service in which travelers looking for a unique experience (similar in scope to a bed and breakfast) can rent a living space from locals for a fee. �The service has seen incredible growth of 800 percent in the last year and had over 1.6 local homes booked since it launched in 2008.

An investment this large may seem drastic, but Airbnb looks to be fulfilling a need in the marketplace. And while business trips and conference attendees will likely stick to booking hotel rooms, Airbnb could make a real splash with recreational travelers .

Previous Story: Next up for Twitter: Photo sharing?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Venturebeat/~3/ik2Va137kO8/

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New Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D trailer shows off all the new features (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D)

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/3ds/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d/news/new-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-trailer-shows-off-all-the-new-features/a-20110526101848950034/g-2010061610502183083

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CONTEST: Win a kickass LA Noire prize pack (L.A. Noire)

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/contest-win-a-kickass-la-noire-prize-pack/a-20110527155217418028

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Next up for Twitter: photo sharing? (updated)

Twitter is apparently working on a photo sharing feature that would directly compete with established photo-sharing services like Twitpic, according to a report by TechCrunch.

The service, which would provide a built-in method for Twitter users to post and share photos, is set to launch soon — ?like tomorrow? — several sources told TechCrunch. Of course, now that this information has been leaked, that may change.

Given Twitter?s current focus on developing features that steal away attention from third-party services, it?s not surprising that the company is taking on photo sharing. It?s not difficult to implement (at least, compared to what Twitter has already accomplished), and it would be valuable for the company to keep users within its own photo sharing service, rather than losing them to third parties.

But the service would likely cause further outcry among third-party developers, who are already feeling pressured by Twitter?s recent changes. Take for example the recent move towards OAuth logins, which many developers find unnecessarily complicated.

News of the new photo-sharing service follows Twitter?s drawn-out $40 million acquisition of Tweetdeck, one of the most popular Twitter third-party clients, with applications on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

There aren?t any other details about the service yet, but we?ll definitely keep you posted.

Update: All Things Digital has confirmed the news via its own sources. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo will announce the photo sharing feature on Wednesday at the site’s D9 conference.

Image via West McGowan

Next Story: Airbnb headed for a $1 billion valuation
Previous Story: Google still doesn’t get games, bans emulators on Android Marketplace

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Venturebeat/~3/J_hcVCn2cUI/

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NintendoTV gets the inside scoop on Dead or Alive: Dimensions (Dead or Alive Dimensions)

Our friends at Official Nintendo Magazine UK have a new episode of Nintendo TV ready for you. Let them tell you about this week's goodness:

In this week’s episode we sit down with the head of Team Ninja, Yosuke Hayashi to ask him all about Dead or Alive: Dimensions. We found out all the inside knowledge on the game and tried to stop ourselves asking when we’re going to see Beach Volleyball in 3D. There’s still no set date but hopefully if we all keep writing letters and drawing pictures it will be come a reality.

We’ve also got some brand new exclusive footage from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D remake.

Check out the trailer here:

NintendoTV is available exclusively on your Wii’s Nintendo Channel. If you don’t already have the Nintendo Channel, download it for FREE from the Wii Shop and make sure you never miss another episode.

27 May, 2011

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/3ds/dead-or-alive-dimensions/news/nintendotv-gets-the-inside-scoop-on-dead-or-alive-dimensions/a-20110527151734540082/g-2010061611855333027

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The Top 7... Games we want announced at E3 2011 (Xbox 360)

Next week, rumors will become realities. Next week, the face of gaming for the foreseeable future will be set. Next week, our hopes and dreams will be either confirmed or crushed. Next week, everything changes.

Okay, a bit overdramatic, maybe – especially since this monumental moment of reveal happens once every year. But even in an age of internet leaks and competing conferences, E3 is still incredibly exciting and still has the potential to be incredibly surprising.

What announcements are you hoping the industry has in store this show? These are ours – tell us yours in the comments below. (And if you’re wondering where games like GTA V or Half-Life 3 are, we’ve probably already covered them here, here, or here.)

7) Dance Central 2

It hasn’t been a year since the Kinect was released, and if you were one of the 10 million who purchased one there’s an excellent chance that the one game you’re still playing is Dance Central. While we cannot deny the joy we get from calling out the names of moves while trying to get down to “Teach Me How To Jerk”, we realize there were some glaring omissions that prevented this really good dance game from being a really great dance game. And, with the continued success of Kinect, it only makes sense that it’s best game so far comes out with a sequel sooner rather than later.

A widely reported Dance Central 2 survey hit earlier this year, so we know Harmonix already has their gears turning for the next round. A real multi-player option, rather than the tag-team style battle mode, a more detailed break it down section to allow you to practice a specific moves at your own pace, a scored freestyle section and even a create your own choreography option were just some of the features that were presented in it. We’ve got our dancing shoes waiting, Harmonix, here’s hoping you’ll be saving us space on the dance floor at E3 this year.

6) Halo: Combat Remade

Were you hoping to see Bungie’s secretive next game listed in our countdown? Don’t blame us for your disappointment – the developer confirmed earlier this month that it would definitely not have a presence at E3 2011. Besides, if the persistent (though officially denied) rumors of an MMO turn out to be true, we’re automatically a lot less interested in that particular reveal.

Ironically, a game Bungie made almost a decade ago – the possible remake of 2001’s Halo: Combat Evolved by 343 Industries – is what has us more excited. The original’s campaign is still the most satisfying, and the story the most comprehensible, of the entire franchise. Only a lack of online multiplayer and the repetitive nature of later levels (*cough* Library *cough) keep the first Halo from achieving modern masterpiece status, but both could be easily addressed during the upgrade. Do we even need to mention the obvious appeal of experiencing these classic moments and maps with graphic as good as, if not better than, those in Halo: Reach? Master Chief and Cortana, who haven’t appeared in a game since 2007, should theoretically look the best they’ve ever looked.

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/the-top-7-games-we-want-announced-at-e3-2011/a-20110527163821501015

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Ocarina of Time video: Jabu Jabu’s Belly FAP (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D)

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/ocarina-of-time-video-jabu-jabus-belly-fap/a-20110527163314028

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How legal is content scraping?

(Editor?s note: Curtis Smolar is a partner at Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley. He submitted this column to VentureBeat.)

A reader asks: I have a business in which we scrape content from other websites to our website.� Do we face any significant legal hurdles in doing so?

Answer: It really depends on a number of factors. These days, the legality of scraping is something that’s in flux – and you’ll certainly want to consult with a licensed attorney about your specific situation. That said, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

Terms of Use – Some websites attempt to prevent scraping by prohibiting it in their online Terms of Service.� This doesn’t always work, though, because some courts don?t like to enforce online terms against users who have not read or agreed to them.

We all know how rarely website users actually reads the terms of service ? much less how often a scraper, who hasn?t even visited the site, has read them. Whether or not those terms are enforced depends almost entirely on the judge who decides the case.

Copyright – The United States Supreme Court has held that while the arrangement, formatting, or a collection of pure facts may be copyrighted, the facts themselves may not be.� However, the Court added, although the facts are not protected, the manner in which they are organized may be.� In real world terms, this means that simply having a copyright may not protect the content of a site. (For example, if a phone book was organized in a unique way, instead of alphabetically, the organization of the facts may be protected, meaning no one could copy that method.)

There also appears to be an exception to copyright infringement for search engines based on fair use.� In Perfect 10 v. Google,.the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated an injunction against Google displaying thumbnail pictures of the Perfect 10 website after the U.S. District Court for the Central District had ruled that the thumbnails are not fair use.

The Ninth Circuit, in reversing the District Court, held that search engines provide an important public benefit of promoting access to creative works and that it is fair use.

Novel, but possibly useless, theories – Because it’s hard for websites to protect pure facts, lawyers have come up with unique arguments of why the information is protected.

One example is eBay.� In 2001, eBay sued Bidder?s Edge, an auction scraping site, for ?deep linking? into its listings and bombarding its service.� Essentially, Bidders edge was copying content from the eBay site so it could aggregate auctions.� eBay lawyers invoked an ancient theory called the ?trespass to chattels? to protect what it claimed was its property. The ?Trespass to Chattels Doctrine? is a theory that you can be liable for interfering with the use of a person?s movable property (not including real estate).

In 2001, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California held that if the conduct complained of does not amount to a substantial interference with possession right of property, but consists of intermeddling with or use of or damages to the personal property, the owner has a cause of action for trespass to chattels.

So basically, one could be liable for simply aggregating content from the eBay site.

Since 2001, however, the courts have backpeddled on this position.� In a case that was decided last month, Genevive La Court, et al. v. Specific Media, Inc., the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the current state of the law in California is that if the interference does not ” ncompass an electronic communication that neither damages the recipient computer system nor impairs its functioning there is no cause of action for trespass to chattels”.

This position may severely cut into this cause of action as it could be argued that the current state of aggregating does not damage or interfere with the recipient computer.� But, this is yet to be determined.

It’s still the wild west in this field ? so proceed with caution.

Startup owners: Got a legal question about your business? Submit it in the comments below or email Curtis directly. It could end up in an upcoming “Ask the Attorney” column.

Disclaimer: This ?Ask the Attorney? post discusses general legal issues, but it does not constitute legal advice in any respect.� No reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information presented herein without seeking the advice of counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.� VentureBeat, the author and the author?s firm expressly disclaim all liability in respect of any actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this post.

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Kaos releases Homefront Xbox 360 update, details plans for DLC and free gear (Homefront)

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Available for download now, the Xbox 360 update addresses persistent glitching and freezing issues, online connectivity shortcomings, multiplayer hiccups, beacon errors and a host of other minor bugs and problems that have been present since the game's launch in March. The update also includes a free ability pack containing the following perks:

  • Ice Cold: Invisible on thermal views and airstrike sensors
  • Situational Awareness: Enemy gamertag appears when shot
  • -EMP Tactician: Deal more damage vs EMP’d vehicles
  • Short Fuse: Reduced cook time on frag grenades
  • Bomb Suit: Take less damage from explosives

In addition to the update, Kaos announced Homefront's first DLC will be called the Fire Sale Map Pack, and include two new multiplayer environments. Xbox 360 owners will be the first to gain access to the extra content on June 7th, which is the same day Kaos says it will also be giving away free premium Homefront themes and 870 Express Shotguns. The virtual kind, we hope.

Full details of the patch and anticipated freebies have been posted at Kaos's website.

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Sony launches mysterious teaser site for unnamed title (Journey)

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The desert imagery has led some to speculate that the site’s upcoming reveal could be related to Uncharted 3. The desert scenery looks very similar to concept art and screenshots previously released. But we hope that the teaser site will have to do with Journey, the next title expected from Thatgamecompany, the development studio behind Flow and Flower.

Above: An early screenshot for Journey, which is to be published by Sony Computer Entertainment

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/journey/news/sony-launches-mysterious-teaser-site-for-unnamed-title/a-20110527163813879095/g-20100618144114292078

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